Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Magazines: Exam questions blog assessment

Normally, we would be doing an assessment on Magazines in class in exam conditions but clearly these are not normal times! 

Instead, we are going to set you an online assessment that you can do on your blogs. This means you have access to ALL the information you need for the assessment so hopefully everyone will do extremely well.

Miss Fowler has created a lesson video that talks you through each question in the assessment and how to structure your answers:

Magazines assessment: tasks


We know that these Magazine CSPs are likely to come up in your Paper 1 exam next year. Therefore, it's vital we have good quality revision material to return to over the next 15 months at various end of year exams and PPEs.

Look over your blogs and create revision cards or knowledge organisers for each of the Magazine CSPs with the key details for Media Language and Representation:

Media glossary

Use your Media glossary to help you in your assessment. The more Media terminology you use the better you will do!

Assessment questions

Create a new blogpost called 'Magazines blog assessment' and answer the following questions:

1) What is a convention of a magazine cover? Give an example from Tatler[2 marks]

2) How does the front cover of Tatler use media language to appeal to its target audience? [6 marks]

3) How does the front cover of Reveal magazine represent female celebrities? [12 marks]

Due date: on Google Classroom.

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Magazines: Tatler CSP

Print magazine Tatler is our first Close Study Product. We need to study the media language and representation of people, places and groups ...