Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Film Industry: Final index

We have now completed our first set of GCSE Media exam Close Study Products (CSPs) on the Film Industry. 

We now need to create a short index to ensure we haven't missed any of the work. Keeping an index of all your Media work is extremely helpful with organisation and revision. Not only does this keep the concepts and media terminology fresh in your mind but it will also highlight if you've missed anything through absence or any other reason. 

Film Industry: Final index

Create a new blogpost called Film Industry: Final index
Your Film Industry index needs three pieces of work:

For your index, it needs to link to YOUR blogpost for each piece of work so you can access your previous work quickly and easily. Remember to click on 'View blog' before copying the URL. 

The index means if you have missed anything you can now catch up with the work/notes and won't underperform in future assessments/exams due to gaps in your knowledge.

If you're not sure how to do this, here's a video I did during lockdown that shows how you create an index using Blogger:

January assessment

Your index is also a great opportunity to start revising for your next assessment in January. This will test our first actual exam CSPs (Black Widow and I, Daniel Blake) plus the Audience and Industries work we've done this term.

Important: your index needs to be completed during the lesson. Any missing work MUST be caught up over the holidays alongside your revision.

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