Monday, 18 November 2024

Blog feedback and learner response

You will have received blog feedback or a link to your blog tracker recently.

This is another important opportunity to reflect on the work you've done so far in GCSE Media Studies and identify anything you are missing or things you can improve on. 

However you receive your feedback, you need to complete the following learner response. 

Blog feedback and learner response task

Open up your email in Outlook and look at Google Classroom to check your feedback or the latest blog tracker from your teacher. Create a NEW blogpost called 'Blog tracker and learner response'.

1) List any tasks you have that are missing or incomplete.

2) Reflect on your tracker/feedback and write what you need to do this week to get your tracker all green or improve your work in GCSE Media.

3) Finally, come up with a list of three things you are going to do this half-term to help you make progress in Media.

This is how we get better in Media Studies - make the most of this opportunity! 

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