Monday, 18 November 2019

Industry and audience power essay

This week's work has explored media industries and whether the internet has given audiences more or less power in the media.

This is a crucial media debate and over the course of the GCSE you need to develop your own opinions on these questions. We will be using this particular topic to start developing our essay writing skills in preparation for the longer, high-mark exam questions.

Blog task: industry and audience power essay

Create a new blogpost called 'Industry and audience power essay'. Then, use the following guidance to help you write the essay on your blog:

Essay question: “The internet has given audiences much more power than ever before.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Word count: 500-800 words

Optional essay plan
You may find the following useful. However, you do not have to follow it exactly and will be credited for alternative or original responses that are convincing and highly effective.

Introduction (50 words): Thesis Statement (setting out your argument)
  • Introduce the question and how it will be answered. Summarise how the internet has changed the position of the audience (consumer) in relation to the producer. 
  • Explain what your own argument is: do you think that the internet makes the audience more powerful or less powerful and why? 

Music Industry: (150-250 words)
What changes have happened to the music industry since the rise of the internet?

Advantages for audiences:
  • What are some examples of how audiences have benefited from the rise of digital media in the way that they access and consume music? Think about downloading and what platforms users are using to access music. 
  • Think about ‘bedroom bands’ and subscription services such as Spotify and Apple Music. How do these services and opportunities help the audience? 
Disadvantages for audiences:
  • What are the benefits of word of mouth advertising (and re-tweets, shares etc) for the producers? 
  • What might happen to music artists if audiences are unwilling to pay for their music?
  • What are the issues for audiences in having so much content available to them?

Film and TV Industry (150-250 words)
What changes have happened to the film and television industry since the rise of the internet?

Advantages for audiences:
  • What are some examples of how audiences have benefited from the rise of digital media in the way that they access television and film? Think about downloading and new platforms for film and television.  
  • Think about piracy and Apps such as Showbox: what do they offer to the consumer? 
  • What about subscription services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime. How do these services and opportunities help the audience? What content is available to them? What about when they can watch?
Disadvantages for audiences:
  • What potential issues are there with ‘binge-watching’ TV series?
  • How might watching TV shows and films on a small screen (e.g. phone) affect the viewing experience?
  • Why are companies producing less interesting films and TV shows? (E.g. sequels and reboots)

Newspaper Industry (150-250 words)
What changes have happened to the news industry since the rise of the internet?

Advantages for audiences:
  • How has the internet changed the way audiences can access news?
  • What is Citizen Journalism and how has it given the audience more power over reporting and receiving the news?
Disadvantages for audiences: 
  • What is fake news? Why is this a problem for audiences?
  • Are there any problems or concerns with citizen journalism? 

Conclusion (50 words)
  • Have you answered the question with a clear conclusion? Have you demonstrated that the internet makes the audience more powerful or less powerful and why?

Complete this essay for homework - due Thursday 5 December. Remember: the word count MINIMUM is 500 words

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