Thursday, 4 July 2019

Coursework: TV advert brief

The coursework briefs have been released and we can now turn our attention to the most creative side of the course.

The coursework unit is worth 30% of your GCSE so it's a brilliant opportunity to put marks in the bank before the final exams at the end of next year.

Coursework brief: TV advert

The brief we have selected is Brief 5: TV advert. The requirements are:

Create one television advert for a body spray. The moving image advert should convey aspirations and a successful lifestyle, which is then attached by implication to the product.

The advert must be between 60 and 80 seconds in length.

The advert should be aimed at teenagers, who are 14 to 18 years of age.

This advert should not focus on the qualities of the product. It should focus on the type of people the potential consumers aspire to be. 

You need to submit a 300-word Statement of Intent and a 60-80 second completed video production to finish this coursework.

Full details are available in the AQA NEA Student Booklet.

We will have the first eight weeks of next year to complete the work.

The first part of this project is a summer project which will allow you to research TV adverts and start planning your own coursework production. 

Introduction to TV advertising

TV advertising has come a long way since it first appeared in the 1950s. Adverts in the modern age tend to focus on lifestyle and brand rather the qualities of the actual product. There are many incredible, creative examples of adverts that have become viral sensations and we now need to come up with an original idea to attract the hard-to-reach 14-18 teenage audience demographic.

TV advert conventions: narrative / lifestyle

The key conventions of lifestyle TV advertising include:
  • Characters that appeal to the target audience
  • Narrative
  • Sound: music / dialogue / voiceover
  • Fast-paced editing
  • Stereotypes (to communicate information to audience quickly)
  • Pack shot of product
  • Text on screen
  • Logo / slogan
  • 'Call to action' / social media details

TV advert examples

Watch these example adverts and identify at least three of the conventions of TV advertising for each:

Rightmove - Life's steps

Sure - #nevermoresure Eden Hazard

Taco Bell - Web of Fries

Use these clips as inspiration for your coursework production. Good luck!

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