Monday, 10 December 2018

Industries: Film Industry CSP introduction

Our final piece of work introducing the Industries key concept is looking at our Close-Study Products for the film industry.

Your CSPs are the Marvel blockbuster Doctor Strange and the low-budget British social realism film I, Daniel Blake.

Doctor Strange

I, Daniel Blake

Film industry introduction: blog tasks

Analyse the film poster for either Doctor Strange OR I, Daniel Blake. Write about:

  • The denotation and connotation in the film poster
  • The use of mise-en-scene in the poster (remember CLAMPS)
  • Any other convention or aspect on the poster that attracts an audience


Extension tasks

1) Analyse the other film poster and cover the three bullet points above.

2) Write an analysis of one of the two trailers above and how they make an audience want to watch the full movie.

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