Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Learner Response

Blog Feedback- This week's lessons - Time to Reflect

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Hello GCSE Media students,

You will each have received an email from your Media teacher on your SCHOOL EMAIL with the title 'Blog Feedback'. Please read this carefully as it gives you information about what is missing or needs improving on your blog so far.

Whilst most of you have made an excellent and committed start to the course and shown real potential in analysis tasks, Photoshop activities and practical tasks, some of you are missing some work from your blogs or need to focus on making sure your analysis is in depth. 

GCSE courses take commitment and finishing all work to the best of your ability here and at home is essential.

Learner Response Task

1) Please read the feedback and then post my feedback on a new blog post on your blog. Call it 'Blog Feedback and Learner Response.'

2) Read the EBIs carefully so that you know each of the things that you have to improve upon.

3) Post the Learner Response and then DO the Learner Response. This might involve looking back on your own work in your drafts, finishing it and then publishing it or (if you missed a lesson) it might involve finding the work on Macguffin so that you can catch up. All the tasks are on Macguffin in order with notes to help you. If you have missed a lesson, it is your responsibility to make sure that your note book is up to date. 

Those of you who ARE up to date, well done! You can make any changes that I have asked for and then you can continue with posting up your camera shot storyboard and writing your explanations so that you have less homework this weekend. 

Good Luck!

Miss Fowler, Mr Halsey & Mr Pall

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